Water Loss

How much water loss in a pool is normal in Florida?

Sarasota Pool Leak Detection

Bradenton Pool Leak Detection

In Florida, it is normal for a pool to lose a certain amount of water due to evaporation, splash-out, and backwash from the filter. The exact amount of water loss can vary depending on factors such as the size of the pool, the temperature, humidity, and wind conditions. However, a general guideline is that a pool should not lose more than 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch of water per day.

If a pool is losing more water than this, it could be a sign of a leak. Leaks in a pool can occur in various places, such as in the pool structure itself, in the plumbing, or in the equipment. If a leak is suspected, it is important to have a professional pool technician inspect the pool to identify and repair the leak.

Additionally, It’s important to note that, Florida being a state with high humidity, evaporation rates are higher than other states. The high heat and humidity can cause a pool to lose water more quickly than normal. The average evaporation rate for a pool in Florida is around 1/8 inch per day. It’s always a good idea to monitor your pool water levels regularly, and if you notice an abnormal loss, it’s best to contact a professional pool technician to investigate the cause.

Call us today for more information or to set up a time to have your pool inspected. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Lakewood Ranch Pool Leak Detection

North Port Pool Leak Detection

Port Charlotte Pool Leak Detection

Professional leak detection in a pool typically involves a combination of different techniques and equipment to accurately locate the source of the leak. Some of the methods that may be used include:

  1. Pressure testing: A pool technician will use a specialized pressure gauge to check the pool’s plumbing for leaks. This method is typically used to check for leaks in the pool’s return lines and skimmer lines.
  2. Acoustic listening: A pool technician will use specialized equipment that amplifies the sound of water flowing through the pipes, to locate leaks in the pool’s plumbing system.
  3. Thermal imaging: A pool technician will use an infrared camera to detect temperature changes in the pool structure or equipment. This can help to locate leaks in areas such as the pool’s coping or decking.
  4. Ground penetrating radar (GPR): This method uses radar technology to locate leaks beneath the surface of the pool and pool deck.
  5. Dye testing: A pool technician will use a leak detection dye to check for leaks in the pool structure or in the plumbing. The dye is poured into the pool and if it appears in an area where there should not be water, it could indicate a leak.

Once the leak is located, a professional pool technician will be able to repair the leak and make any necessary adjustments to the pool’s equipment or plumbing to prevent future leaks from occurring.

a stress-free non-leaking pool.