As the summer heat intensifies in Florida and the pool starts getting a lot more use, pool owners might notice a drop in their water levels. While some evaporation is normal, it’s essential to understand how much is expected and when to suspect a leak. Let’s dive into the specifics of pool evaporation and how to know when to call in the experts at Aqua Leak Detection.

In Florida’s hot and humid climate, evaporation rates can be higher than in cooler regions. On average, pools lose about 1/4 to 1/2 inch of water per day due to evaporation. Factors such as temperature, humidity, wind, and pool usage all play a role in the rate of evaporation. For instance, a hot day with strong winds can cause your pool to lose more water than a calm, cooler day.

To determine if the water loss in your pool is due to normal evaporation, you can perform a simple “bucket test”:

  1. Fill a bucket with pool water and place it on the pool step.
  2. Mark the water level inside the bucket and the water level outside the bucket (the pool water).
  3. After 24 hours, compare the levels. If both have dropped equally, the loss is likely due to evaporation.

If your pool is losing more water than the expected 1/4 to 1/2 inch per day, or if the bucket test reveals a significant difference between the two water levels, you might have a leak. Other signs to watch for include:

  • Unusual Water Bills: A sudden spike in your water bill could indicate a leak.
  • Soggy Spots in Your Yard: Wet or mushy areas around your pool may be a sign of underground leaks.
  • Air Bubbles in the Pool: If you notice air bubbles coming from the return jets, it could indicate a leak in the suction line.
  • Algae Growth: Rapid algae growth despite proper chemical balance might suggest a continuous water flow that brings in fresh nutrients.

If you suspect a leak, it’s crucial to act quickly. Ignoring a potential leak can lead to more significant issues, including structural damage and higher repair costs. Aqua Leak Detection specializes in identifying and fixing pool leaks, ensuring your pool remains in top condition. Our team uses advanced technology to locate leaks with precision, saving you time and money.

In conclusion, while some water loss is normal due to evaporation, excessive water loss is a cause for concern. By understanding the signs of both evaporation and leaks, you can maintain your pool efficiently and enjoy a worry-free summer. If you suspect a leak, don’t hesitate to contact Aqua Leak Detection for a thorough inspection and prompt repair.